Innovative solutions require innovative thinking. Leaders don’t follow others; they create their own trail. We are proud of our original work, which has been published in top level peer reviewed journals. We bring this pedigree to offer cutting edge solutions for you.
- Motyka, Scott; Suri, Rajneesh; Grewal, Dhruv; and Kohli, Chiranjeev, “Hard to Read but Tempting to Buy: The Paradoxical Role of Processing Disfluency,” Journal of Academy of Marketing Science, 2016 (44), Number 5, pp. 627-638.
- Suri, Rajneesh; Long-Tolbert, Sylvia; and Kohli, Chiranjeev, “Who Pays High Price for Loyalty? The Role of Self-Consciousness,” Journal of Product and Brand Management, 2014 (23), Number 4-5, pp. 362-371.
- Kohli, Chiranjeev; and Suri, Rajneesh; “Price is Right? Guidelines for Pricing to Enhance Profitability,” Business Horizons, 2011 (54), Number 6 (November-December). Republished online by Harvard Business Review.
- Suri, Rajneesh; Kohli, Chiranjeev; and Monroe, Kent, “The effects of perceived scarcity on consumers’ processing of price information,” Journal of Academy of Marketing Science, 2007 (35), Number 1, pp. 89-100.
- Suri, Rajneesh; Manchanda, Rajesh; and Kohli, Chiranjeev, “Comparing Fixed Price and Discounted Price Strategies: The Role of Affect on Evaluations,” Journal of Product and Brand Management, 2002 (11), Number 3, pp. 160-173.
- Suri, Rajneesh; Manchanda, Rajesh; and Kohli, Chiranjeev, “Brand Evaluations: A Comparison of Fixed Price and Discounted Price Offers,” Journal of Product and Brand Management, 2000, Volume 9, Number 3, pp. 193-206. Winner of 2001 Literati Highly Commended Award.
- Kim, Yuna; Chen, Steven; and Kohli, Chiranjeev, “A Korean, A Chines, and an Indian Walk into an American Bar: Tapping the Asian-American Goldmine,” Business Horizons, 2017 (60), Number 1, pp. 91-100.
- Kohli, Chiranjeev; Suri, Rajneesh; and Kapoor, Anuj, “Will Social Media Kill Branding?” Business Horizons, 2015 (58), Number 1 (Jan-Feb), pp. 35-44. Republished online by Harvard Business Review.
- Dass, Mayukh; Kohli, Chiranjeev; Kumar, Piyush; and Thomas, Sunil, “A study of the antecedents of slogan liking,” Journal of Business Research, 2014 (67), Number 12, pp. 2504-2511. Also reported in Washington Post as an article, “The most-liked advertising slogan: M&M’s ‘Melts in your mouth, not in your hand'” ( Also reported in Business News Daily as an article, “The Secrets to a Great Slogan: Creativity and Clarity” (
- Leingpibul, Thaweephan; Broyles, Allen; and Kohli, Chiranjeev,” The Comparative Influence of Manufacturer and Retailer Brands on Customers’ Purchase Behavior,” Journal of Product and Brand Management, 2013 (22), Number 3, pp. 208-217.
- Kohli, Chiranjeev; Thomas, Sunil; and Suri, Rajneesh, “Are You in Good Hands? Slogan Recall: What Really Matters,” Journal of Advertising Research, 2013 (53), Number 1, pp 31-42. Also reported as cover page article in Orange County Register, “Which are the Most Memorable Slogans?” ( Also, reported in Orange County Register as an article, “Advertising slogan can tell a lot about firm, product” (
- Thomas, Sunil and Kohli, Chiranjeev, “Can brand image move upwards after Sideways? A strategic approach to brand placements,” Business Horizons, 2011 (54), Number 1 (January-February), 41-49. Republished online by Harvard Business Review.
- Thomas, Sunil and Kohli, Chiranjeev, “A Brand is Forever! A Framework for Revitalizing Declining and Dead Brands,” Business Horizons, 2009, (52), Number 4, pp. 305-404. Republished online by Harvard Business Review.
- Kohli, Chiranjeev; Leuthesser, Lance; and Suri, Rajneesh, “Got Slogan? Guidelines for Creating Effective Slogans,” Business Horizons, 2007 (50), Number 5, pp. 415-422. Republished online by Harvard Business Review.
- Kohli, Chiranjeev; Harich, Katrin; and Leuthesser, Lance, “Creating Brand Identity: A Study of Evaluation of New Brand Names,” Journal of Business Research, 2005, Volume 58/11 pp 1506-1515.
- Leuthesser, Lance; Kohli, Chiranjeev; and Suri, Rajneesh, “2 + 2 = 5? A Framework for Using Co-Branding to Leverage Your Brand,” Journal of Brand Management, 2003 (2), Number 1, pp. 35-47. Republished as “2+ 2= 5? Схема использовония совместного брендинга для усиления бренда“ in Маркетинг-дайджест (Marketing Digest) by Publishing House Grebennikov.
- Kohli, Chiranjeev; Suri, Rajneesh; and Thakor, Mrugank V., “Creating Effective Logos: Insights From Theory and Practice,” Business Horizons, 2002 (45), Number 3, 58-64.
- Kohli, Chiranjeev and Leuthesser, Lance, “Brand Equity: Capitalizing on Intellectual Capital,” Ivey Business Journal, 2001 (65), Number 4, pp. 74-81. Invited article.
- Kohli, Chiranjeev and Suri, Rajneesh, “Brand Names That Work: A Study of the Effectiveness of Different Types of Brand Names,” Marketing Management Journal, 2000 (10), Number 2, pp. 112-120.
- Leuthesser, Lance and Kohli, Chiranjeev, “Corporate Identity: The Role of Mission Statements,” Business Horizons, 1997, Number 3. This article received ANBAR citation of excellence (highest rating of 4 stars).
- Kohli, Chiranjeev and Thakor, Mrugank, “Branding Consumer Goods: Insights from Theory And Practice.” Journal of Consumer Marketing, 1997, Number 3. This article received ANBAR citation of excellence (highest rating of 4 stars). Also included in Emerald Reading ListAssist; Emerald’s unique, peer-reviewed reading list service.
- Kohli, Chiranjeev and LaBahn, Douglas, “Creating Effective Brand Names: A Study of the Naming Process,” Journal of Advertising Research, 1997, Number 1.
- Thakor, Mrugank and Kohli, Chiranjeev, “Brand Origin: Conceptualization and Review,” Journal of Consumer Marketing, 1996, Number 3. This article received ANBAR citation of excellence (highest rating of 4 stars). This paper also received the Best Paper of the Year Award.
- Kohli, Chiranjeev and Hemnes, Thomas M. “A Corporation By Any Other Name…?” Business Horizons, 1995, November-December.
- Leuthesser, Lance; Kohli, Chiranjeev; and Harich, Katrin, “Brand Equity: The Halo Effect Measure,” European Journal of Marketing, 1995, Number 4.
- Kohli, Chiranjeev and Leuthesser, Lance, “Product Positioning: A Comparison of Perceptual Mapping Techniques,” Journal of Product and Brand Management, 1993, Number 4.
- Steven Chen; Sunil Thomas; and Chiranjeev Kohli, “What Really Makes a Promotional Campaign Succeed on a Crowdfunding Platform?” Journal of Advertising Research, 2016 (56), Number 1, pp. 81-94.
- Kohli, Chiranjeev, “Signaling New Product Introductions: A Framework Explaining the Timing of Preannouncements,” Journal of Business Research, 1999, Volume 46, Number 2, 45-56.
- LaBahn, Douglas and Kohli, Chiranjeev, “Maintaining Client Commitment in Advertising Agency – Client Relationships,” Industrial Marketing Management, 1997, Number 6. This article received ANBAR citation of excellence (highest rating of 4 stars).
If any of these interest you, contact us here to get your copy.